I collect mostly HG (1/144 sized) GUNPLA, with some MG (1/100) alon all the GUNDAM timeline.

Friday 6 December 2013

HGUC YAMS-132 Rozen Zulu

Woot I honestly wasn't expecting this guy but yay ! Since I first saw it's first appearance in the Gundam UC OVA I thought "damn why ain't they make this monster into HGUC ?" , then it really hit the stores with a pricey price on the tag, whew.

If you notice closely it's body composition isn't far from a Geara Zulu, with added Sinanju and Hamma-hamma parts. And those high-heels... it's the third I had in my collection. 

Back side - some parts similar to Sinanju

Guess all the UC version of  Neo Zeon suits have crests on the chest parts. 

Hands/claws - That's all it has, without a hand expect no beam sabers and stuff from Rozen Zulu.

Shield - I wonder why not dual mounted shields, since it has no other hands-on weapon. Oh well, the shield is simple and bold, almost no panel-lining required at all.

I can't imagine a bootleg version of this, but thank god for the good balance Bandai. It can stood pretty sturdy despite the high-heels (oh girl stuff ...)  

Mega particle cannon shield !!!

INCOM Claws -Oh yes, this is the main attraction of this stuff. Retractable hands !!! One of the coolest wired remote weapon gimmick, yet the most complex (it mean hard to be assembled) I'm not really sure if I should cut the wires that was given, but the method I used work although it seems to be a bit shortened.  

Rose...buds? It's called Psycho Jammer I guess, some might think it's ridiculous but well ... 

"Commander I will clear the small fries before you engage the main forces !"

That signature move.

It's overall cool, (almost) faithfully molded as the OVA version. If hobbyist wants perfection there's gonna be a lot of painting required, all the white lines are stickers, to me it did pretty good job as details. As for the close-to-brown parts I have no idea why, it should be deep purple in the first place, oh well ... still a nice piece of work, bravo.

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