I collect mostly HG (1/144 sized) GUNPLA, with some MG (1/100) alon all the GUNDAM timeline.

Thursday 16 February 2012

HG GNT-0000 00 QAN[T] Gundam

Wow after I bought my HG Zabanya I never seen the other of it friends anymore. And years after that I saw this one lying around some new opened shop that sells CDs. Just WOW. And my dear girlfriend bought it for me as birthday present. Thanks dear <3 

Un-boxing !! It includes a clear green stand, not bad huh? 6 runners include that and PC parts.  
After 3 hours its finally done ! I draw the panel lines right after i assembled a part, as I do this to each of my new kits. Its body is simple like Exia, guess whats flashy about it is the left shoulder shield thing. And the bits suppose to be able to combine with its GN saber to form some big gun-sword 

If., you count the little bits from the shoulder shield thing, plus the GN saber, it's 7. So...is the earlier seven sword things related to Qan[T] huh ??

Oh. Good balance !

GN gun? Funky.

GN saber thing. Giant Buster Sword mode and Giant Buster Rifle thing.

And the shield thing can be put on the back as a booster. Or at lease i think it's suppose to work like that ...

It's really great, unlike Zabanya I was satisfied with. Why? it can do whatever it suppose to be able to do. If you look close enough you will see my reflection at the center of it's core !

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